December 3 Heaven Bound

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The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise. 2 Peter 3:9 NIV

This year has been hard, especially now nearing Christmas, with one child missing in our family. My son lived along the Colorado River in Arizona and slowly distanced himself from the family. I called him my desert rat for he loved the high desert.

He called me on my birthdays, Mother’s Day, and Christmas, even though, sometimes he had to be prompted. We’d talk for hours with him doing all the talking. I sat, shook my head, and answered “Yes.” Once in a while, I reminded him of the many blessings God had bestowed upon him.

Never would I have believed his life would be cut short. It hit the family hard, and I have to admit it was like being knocked off my feet by a boulder when I received the phone call. My son, my dear son, gone too early. He still had things to accomplish.

As we gathered together and laid him to rest, I remembered the day he told me he had accepted Jesus at Vacation Bible School. I watched the dirt being thrown over his grave and I heard a small voice echoing in my ear. “Remember, Mom, it’s not the end, it’s only the beginning. We’ll be together again, and it will be for eternity. God promised.” A warm and peaceful feeling came over me.

My Lord God, thank You for Your promises.

Written by Sandra Lee Cleary